Hey fellas, Here's a quick view to convert your rails 2.x mailer to rails 3.x
There wont be any change in the path of views files. It wil reside in app/views/user_mailer.
The user_mailer.rb [wch was in models] is now moved to app/mailers
The mailer setting are moved to configuration/initializers/ mail_setup.rb
Here is the changes that has to be done for sending mails:
In 2.X: UserMailer.deliver_ notify_phishing_rsa(phishing, email, address)
In 3.X: UserMailer.notify_ phishing_rsa(phishing, email, address).deliver
In user_mailer.rb, there is change in syntax for objects/parameters that needs to be sent to the email body.
In 2.X: @body['phishing'] = phishing
In 3.X: @phishing = phishing
In Views, we can use the following to provide a link in the email body:
<%= link_to "Edit Phishing", edit_phishing_url(@phishing, :host => "www.example.com") %>
<%= edit_phishing_url(@phishing, :host => "localhost:3000") %>
Also, We can attach files with the following syntax inside user_mailer.rb:
attachments["phishingreport. pdf"] = File.read("#{Rails.root}/ public/uploads/phishingreport. pdf")
For inline attachments:
attachments.inline['myimage. jpg'] = File.read('/path/to/myimage. jpg')
<%= image_tag attachments['myimage.jpg'].url %> #in views
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